walkthrough for beyblad burst guide

Want to know the best tips and tricks to using a Beyblade? We've got them. Here are a few tips to become the best Beyblade player on your block.
At first glance, a Beyblade beginner may believe that Beyblade gaming is all a matter of chance. After all, two tops spinning around in a confined space means that inevitably one will hit the other and cause it to stop, so it’s all a game of luck and chance, right?Wrong. Beyblade experts tell us that gaming with the best Beyblades of today actually involves skill, technique, and strategy—along with a good dose of luck.

Beyblade Basics

If you are new to Beyblades, you may be wondering what they are and what the fuss is all about. A Beyblade—also called a bey—is a small toy top, typically composed of five parts made of both plastic and metal that connect together into a Beyblade top. The parts are interchangeable, so the more Beyblades you collect, the more parts you have to interchange in order to personalize your ideal Beyblade.
Beyblades are launched with special launchers into a Beyblade stadium, where each player’s best Beyblade competes against the other. When one player’s Beyblade stops the other from spinning or knocks it out of the arena, that player scores a point. If one player’s Beyblade causes the opponent’s to burst into at least three pieces, that player scores two points. The first player to reach seven points wins the game.
Beyblades have been a gamers’ favorite since the early 2000s and are still popular today, with worldwide tournaments, as well as many neighborhood and backyard tournaments, entertaining players and viewers alike. Not only that, but Beyblades can also teach children basic science concepts with the different types of Beyblades.
The best Beyblades come in four basic types: staminas—designed to win by outlasting an opponent; defenders—designed to be good at deflecting attacks; attack—made to be able to hit an opponent several times and remain spinning; and finally, balance—designed to be a good balance of all Beyblade qualities.

Tips for Tops

  1. Read about your Beyblade! While it’s common for people to overlook the basics, reading the instruction materials that come with your best Beyblades will give invaluable tips about the best launch angles and types of attacks that work best for that particular bey.
  2. If you are using one of the best Beyblades for defense, pull the launcher’s ripcord as hard and fast as possible. This gives your best Beyblade the power to withstand several attacks and possibly do some damage to the opponent in the process.
  3. Be observant about your opponent’s technique. Watch which types of beys they choose for each round so you can choose your own Beyblades to best counterattack their strategy. You can also observe their favorite launch angles and then plan to launch your Beyblade to counterattack from the best opposing angle.
  4. Make sure you have the latest Beyblade to counter your opponent’s best Beyblade if your opponent is using a new model. Newer Beyblades usually have advancements, and playing with an older model against an opponent with a new one will give you a disadvantage.
  5. Don’t be a predictable player! Just as you are watching your opponent to best plan your counterattacks and defense, your opponent is also watching your moves, so it’s best to mix them up a little to keep the surprises coming.
  6. Launchers are game-changers, so be sure you are using the best Beyblade launchers and are keeping them in top condition.
  7. Know your beys. It’s important to know and understand the qualities of each of the four types of Beyblades so you can best plan your playing strategies. Knowing and understanding the qualities will also help you spot a fake Beyblade from a real one.
  8. Customize! You can personalize and customize the best Beyblade to give you an advantage by experimenting with different weight disks and attack rings. Experiment with launchers and ripcord lengths until your find your most comfortable and powerful fit.

Bey Battle Basics

You can try different strategies until you find the ones that work best for you. One of the best Beyblade battle plans is delayed launching, where you let your opponent launch first, wait about five seconds and then launch your own Beyblade into the middle of the stadium. This is a strong entrance and puts the opponent’s bey on the defensive.
Having a long ripcord is another way to get an advantage. A ripcord of 18 inches will give you more power and stability, and gives you an immediate advantage over an opponent with a shorter ripcord.
Launching from above the stadium is another good trick for destabilizing your opponent’s spin.
Like any other game, practice makes perfect. If you want to be the best Beyblade player on your block, practice, experiment, customize, and then give it a spin!
